
Friday, 7 August 2020


This week for basketball on Wednesday we had a game against Panmure Bridge School. We got 34 points  and  (Panmure Bridge) got zero. When we played, I got really hyped up and we scored a lot of points. My cousin Eden slapped the ball away when this boy called Kobe tried to pass to his teammate. Then it was half time then I had a rest. Tupou, my team, and I tried very hard to get the win. At the end of the day, we won against Panmure Bridge.  I felt very happy and I can't wait for our next game on Wednesday of next week. 

Friday, 10 July 2020

In My Weekend?

In my weekend on Saturday I went to my friends house. We were playing and it was so sunny but then it started to rain. We sat by the front door before it started raining my friend stood in to my other friend dogs POOP!. Then he took them of and threw them away then Mr Nath my teacher came to get some lemons. But lucky it was raining so he stayed in the car then my friends mum got some lemons off the lemon tree and gave it to him.

Then my and my friends were watching YT on our netbooks and we were telling scary stories.


Thursday, 4 June 2020

Bounce Back

For the past two weeks, I have been learning about reliance. We are using the Bounce Back program to help us become resilient.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Bounce Back

For the past two weeks, I have been learning about reliance. We are using the Bounce Back program to help us become resilient.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

In Quarantine

In Quarantine Level 4 I stayed inside. When I heard that it was going to be Level 3. I was getting happy. Next week it was level 2 my Nan said that we were going back to school. I wasn't happy when she told me that. On Monday I woke up early and went to school.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Anzac Day

This day is now known as ANZAC Day. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. The term ANZAC'S is used to refer to Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought in World War 1 and Maori battalion fought in World War 2.

 World War 1 began in August 1914 when Britain and Germany declared war on each other. By the time the Second World War ended in 1945 the 28th.

Maori Battalion had become one of the most celebrated and decorated units in the New Zealand forces.The battle at Gallipoli lasted 8 months, with more than 11,000 ANZAC'S dying and 23,500 wounded in battle.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Basic Facts Math

Back To School

I went outside and walked to school from home. When I got to school, I went through the corridor but I was asked to come from the outside exit. I entered my classroom through the outside exit and Mr. Nath gave me some hand sanitiser.

After that I looked at the classroom map to locate where I was sitting. I was sitting next to Avania, and Undreanna and behind me was Taijah. My teacher talked to us about social distancing and sanitising. Then we started to write a blog about our first day back at school